Just like Nifty BeEs, Gold BeEs are another type of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds). Just like any other shares of a Company, an investor can buy or sell or trade in Gold BeEs on the Stock Market. They are a derivative and they derive their value from the current gold bullion prices. Gold BeEs reflect the current gold prices in the market. What is unique about Gold BeEs is that it does not reflect the movement in the stock market, just like Gold prices do not have any co-relation with the Stock Market.
Gold prices are less volatile then the prices of shares in the equity market.
Investing in Gold BeEs is as good as investing in gold. One can even go to the extent of saying that investing in Gold BeEs is more beneficial than investing in Gold because:
- No making charges
- No storage cost
- No risk of theft
- Physical gold does not generate any income
- Gold BeEs can be traded on the NSE
Amazing investment opportunity, isn’t it? Gold BeEs as an investment option is still not as talked about as it should. We, at Stakeindia, are constantly looking for such investment options that are hassle-free and will require minimum efforts from the investors.
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“Stakeindia is the oldest Share Market Teaching Institute in Nashik, Maharashtra”
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