The world is divided into different continents, countries, states and so on, but at some level, we all are One. Everything that happens in one part of the world is definitely going to affect all other parts of the world, with or without our knowledge. We have an inter-personal geo-political connection, which is unavoidable. Thus, the war that is happening between Ukraine and Russia is not just between them. It has now reached a global level and has a world-wide effect.
The Stock Market does not like uncertainty. And the Ukraine-Russia was has done exactly that. It has given rise to panic, thereby increasing the Volatility in the market (VIX India …insert link for VIX India blog) in the Indian Stock Market.
Russia is one of the largest supplier of energy across the world. Due to the war, the crude oil prices have risen like anything. Because of the rising prices of oil which includes fuel, driving your vehicles has become expensive. Due to this, the liquidity/funds remaining with the investors after expenditure on fuel is comparatively less, as a result of which they will invest less in the stock market. The investor wealth decreases. Even the Crude Oil Commodity market has taken a big hit due to this.
While the economies of the world have already begun to take steps to deal with this, the war does not seem to be ending soon. We have to on our heels and anticipate their next move, so that we can keep our moves ready in response to them.
Understanding just how the Russia Ukraine war has affected the Indian Stock Market, helps us understand how to deal with the market uncertainties. It is better to know the enemy and understand them so that we can fight them in the best possible way. We, at Stakeindia, help you not only understand it but also give you guidance on how to behave in the stock market in such situations. Stakeindia is the oldest Stock Market training Institute in Nashik, which also teaches you how to trade during volatility.
“Stakeindia is the oldest Share Market Teaching Institute in Nashik, Maharashtra”
You can reach us at stakeindiainstitute@gmail.com